Healthy Meal Plans

Day 1

AM Snack
Healthy Meal



  • Ripe saba bananas
  • Lumpia wrappers
  • Sugar
  • Cooking oil
Nutrient Amount
Calories 180 kcal
Protein 2 g

Meal Procedure

  1. Prepare the filling:
    • Peel and halve 1 saba banana lengthwise.
    • You can optionally add other fillings like jackfruit strips, langka (plantain), or cheese.
  2. Prepare the wrapper:
    • Lay a lumpia wrapper like a diamond on a flat surface.
    • Sprinkle a thin layer of brown sugar in the center of the wrapper.
  3. Assemble the turon:
    • Place the banana half (or other filling) on the sugar in the center.
    • Fold the bottom pointed end of the wrapper over the filling.
    • Fold the side ends inward and tightly roll the turon into a log, sealing the pointed edge with water.
  4. Frying:
    • Heat enough oil (vegetable or coconut oil) in a pan over medium heat (325°F).
    • Carefully place the turon(s) in the hot oil. Fry for 2-3 minutes per side, or until golden brown and crispy.
    • Drain on paper towels to remove excess oil.